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Meadowlark Program
We’ll help them get started, so you can help them soar.
Every year since 2020, the Meadowlark Savings Pledge has automatically given every Nebraska newborn a one-time $50 seed contribution to a NEST 529 account owned by the Nebraska Educational Savings Plan Trust to help pay for future higher education costs. If your child was a Nebraska resident at birth and born on or after January 1, 2020, they have a head start on their future dreams.
Take the next step and support their future.
The Meadowlark Savings Pledge is a great way to start thinking about how to plan for the future — but it’s just the start. NEST 529 is a 529 college savings plan sponsored by the State of Nebraska that offers even more benefits. When you use NEST 529 to save for higher education, you can take advantage of tax benefits you won’t get with traditional savings methods, including up to an annual $10,000 state income tax deduction1 — making it a smart way to plan for your loved one’s future.
How NEST 529 and the Meadowlark Program work together:
Your newborn baby is automatically enrolled in the Meadowlark Program and receives a one-time $50 seed contribution — no extra costs or paperwork required of you.
If you’re a parent who has already opened a NEST 529 account in your child’s name, or decide to open one, you’ll also be able to view the balance of their Meadowlark account in your online portal.
Contribute to your new NEST 529 account to save for your loved one’s educational future.
Invest in their future.
Similar to other investments, your Meadowlark seed deposit (and any contributions you make to a NEST 529 account) can grow over time. Use this chart to see how much your child’s $50 Meadowlark deposit is worth today.
Select Child's Birth Year
Meadowlark 2023*
(as of December 31, 2024)$52.94*Funded 06/05/2024Historical Prices for 2023 Date Price 12/31/2024 52.94 9/30/2024 53.89 6/30/2024 50.24 Meadowlark 2022*
(as of December 31, 2024)$65.31*Funded 05/23/2023Historical Prices for 2022 Date Price 12/31/2024 65.31 9/30/2024 66.48 6/30/2024 61.99 3/31/2024 60.86 12/31/2023 56.99 9/30/2023 51.18 6/30/2023 53.13 Meadowlark 2021*
(as of December 31, 2024)$62.77*Funded 05/03/2022Historical Prices for 2021 Date Price 12/31/2024 62.77 9/30/2024 63.84 6/30/2024 59.58 3/31/2024 58.51 12/31/2023 54.78 9/30/2023 49.19 6/30/2023 51.08 3/31/2023 48.34 12/31/2022 45.48 9/30/2022 42.08 6/30/2022 44.91 Meadowlark 2020*
(as of December 31, 2024)$59.40*Funded 06/22/2021Historical Prices for 2020 Date Price 12/31/2024 59.40 9/30/2024 60.40 6/30/2024 56.48 3/31/2024 55.53 12/31/2023 52.39 9/30/2023 47.32 6/30/2023 48.98 3/31/2023 46.31 12/31/2022 43.57 9/30/2022 40.36 6/30/2022 43.03 3/31/2022 50.45 12/31/2021 53.46 9/30/2021 50.01 6/30/2021 50.38 Stay up to date on Meadowlark and other news!
The Meadowlark Savings Pledge provides eligible Nebraska newborns with a NEST savings account for education expenses when the time comes. If your baby was born in 2020 or later and was a Nebraska resident at the time of their birth, they will receive a Meadowlark account, as directed by the Meadowlark Act. The program was effective starting in 2020.No, all Nebraska children born in 2020 or later will automatically receive a Meadowlark account and one-time $50 seed deposit.
Make sure the child meets the above eligibility requirements, and on an ongoing basis keep us up to date with your address and email information. You can elect to exclude your child from the Meadowlark Program if you do not want to participate.
Accounts opened by a parent of the child, who is the account beneficiary, are connected automatically based on the information on the child’s birth record. If someone other than a parent opens a NEST 529 account for a child who was granted a Meadowlark account, it will not be visible through their online portal. Only NEST 529 accounts opened by parents listed on the child’s birth records can be connected.Your child’s Meadowlark account is a seed account — so while you can’t contribute to it, you’re encouraged to start saving for your loved one’s future by opening a separate NEST 529 account. You can then make contributions toward your child's future in their NEST 529 account. With it, you’ll also be able to view the balance of your Meadowlark fund.Meadowlark funds are flexible and may be used at most Nebraska private and public two- or four-year technical, trade, vocational, graduate, or professional schools.Meadowlark funds may only be used to pay the qualified higher education expenses of the child at an eligible educational institution located in Nebraska. Any disbursement from the Meadowlark Program shall be made before the qualified child reaches age 30. At age 30, any unused funds shall no longer be available. Qualified higher education expenses include: tuition and fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for enrollment or attendance at an eligible educational institution, apprenticeship program expenses, expenses for the purchase of computer or certain peripheral equipment, certain computer software, internet access, expenses for special needs services in the case of a special needs beneficiary, and payment of principal or interest on any qualified education loan of the Beneficiary or a sibling of the Beneficiary (up to an aggregate lifetime limit of $10,000 per individual). If enrolled at least half-time, reasonable room and board expenses, with certain limitations.2
Meadowlark funds will be owned by the Nebraska Educational Savings Plan Trust. Neither the qualified child or his or her parent or legal guardian shall have any ownership rights or interest in, or title to, or power or control over such an account.
The $50 from the State is the seed to get you started, but it’s just the start. A separate NEST 529 account makes it easy to save for higher education, so you’re all set to plan ahead. While you’re exploring NEST 529, here are some great resources to get you started:- Learn about 529 college savings plans - 529 Basics.
- Learn more about NEST 529 and all its advantages - NEST 529 Features.
- Open your own NEST 529 account – it’s fast and easy and you’ll be glad you did down the road.
You may permanently opt out of the Meadowlark Program at any time.
For a child born in the calendar year 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, or 2024 who is a resident of Nebraska at the time of birth, a parent may elect to permanently exclude their child from the Meadowlark Program. By electing to exclude your child from the Meadowlark Program, your child will not be eligible to receive the $50 Meadowlark contribution for higher education.
IMPORTANT: If you elect to exclude your child from the Meadowlark Program you understand the election is permanent and your child will not be eligible to participate in the future.
To remove your child from the Meadowlark Program, select the "Opt Out Now" button or download the printable form. Be sure to have the following important information ready before you start:
- Your child’s date of birth.
- Your child’s Nebraska Birth Certificate State File Number found in the upper right corner of their birth certificate. Please note, this is not their Social Security number.
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